Wednesday, September 19, 2007

United States of Bielorussia*

Un étudiant en journalisme molesté par la police parce qu'il a posé une "mauvaise question" à John Kerry lors d'un débat à l'Université de Florida.
(...) Naïve Americans who think they live in a free society should watch the video filmed by students at a John Kerry speech September 17, Constitution Day, at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
At the conclusion of Kerry’s speech, Andrew Meyer, a 21-year old journalism student was selected by Senator Kerry to ask a question. Meyer held up a copy of BBC investigative reporter Greg Palast’s book, Armed Madhouse, and asked if Kerry was aware that Palast’s investigations determined that Kerry had actually won the election. Why, Meyer asked, had Kerry conceded the election so quickly when there were so many obvious examples of vote fraud? Why, Meyer, went on to ask, was Kerry refusing to consider Bush’s impeachment when Bush was about to initiate another act of military aggression, this time against Iran?
At this point the public’s protectors—the police—decided that Meyer had said too much. They grabbed Meyer and began dragging him off. Meyer said repeatedly, “I have done nothing wrong,” which under our laws he had not. He threatened no one and assaulted no one. (...)

L'étudiant demande tout simplement pourquoi Kerry a tout de suite reconnu sa défaite en 2004 alors que des preuves flagrantes de fraude commençaient à être produites, et aussi pourquoi il s'oppose à une procédure d'empeachment de Bush. Procédure que les démocrates majoritaires au Congrès refusent de considérer d'ailleurs ; Nancy Pelosi en tête.

* Titre inspiré par un commentateur de la vidéo.

PS. Ce qui fait peur aussi dans cette vidéo, c'est que personne dans l'asistance n'a bougé pour faire barrage à la police.